I am entering a photo contest on the 5 Minutes For Mom blog. This contest is put on by Egg Beaters, who will be giving away a $1000 American Express Gift Card that can be used any way we want!
I have chosen this photo of my son for a few reasons. First of all, he is a gift from God, and is a miracle. He was born with half of a heart, and had 5 strokes before the age of three. The scar you see on his chest is from the two heart surgeries that he had before he was three years old. The scars on his face, including on the eyebrow, are from when a dog bit him across the face. And what you can't see, is that he walks with a limp and has a weak right side because of one of the strokes. He also takes medication that keeps him from having seizures. Our son is so full of life, and love for others. He will be entering public high school this fall, which will be his first time in public school, after being homeschooled all of his life. His interests are varied, loving to do things like fishing, playing his guitar, drawing (he's a VERY good artist!), camping, playing soccer, and spending time with his family.
This young man is now 14 years old, and is such a blessing to me and to his dad. He is the reason I am a mom. I'm so glad that God chose me to be his mom, and that He brought us through all that He has brought us through. I know that He has an amazing purpose for our son, and I am SO blessed to be a part of that.
To add to how blessed I am, we have just found out that we are going to get a little boy, whom we pray we will be adopting, by the end of May. He is 17 months old, and so our 14 year old will get to be a BIG BROTHER! I get to be doubly blessed, and I am SOOOOO excited!
If my photograph is chosen as one of the top 15 finalists, I will be asking you to go and vote for it, so be ready! :-)
God bless,
What a huge blessing and testimony! Hope everything with the new baby works out.
Oh what a wonderful post! You would not know at first glance that such a handsome young man had undergone so many challenges in his life to date and will continue to do so. You wrote almost word for word what I said and felt about our child who made me a Mom...such a joy and a blessing. As a 2x adoptive Mom, I wish you all of the best!!
Love the emotion in the shot and so glad you shared the story of your son
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What a beautiful story. I did not notice his scars until I came here and read about them, and of course, the story of his life made the picture even more precious.
You better believe I'll go and vote for your picture! What a wonderful picture and an incredible story, Angie! Good luck with the winnings!!
What a beautiful picture! Your story has touched my heart! Good luck in the contest!
Gorgeous pic. What a strong and brave little man you have. I pray he is blessed with continued good health.
WOW!! What a great picture!! My son is 9 and was born with HLHS, and had a stroke!! This picture has so much more meaning thanmost can even imagine!! WTG Its gorgeous!!
Angie, your touching post made this photo even more beautiful.
Wanted to say I found your blog through the photo contest. My picture is up in the finals also and my son also was born with half a heart. I am happy to see your son is doing well. I know our road is not an easy one. Best of luck in everything!!
check out my photo and blog to see my little guy with HLHS.
I just found your photo and story through the contest. You all sound very fortunate to have one another!
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